goeveg 0.7.5 (2024-05-17)
- Added argument to define number of decimal places in 'syntable()'-results
- Empty cell values are transformed to 0 in 'clean_matrix()'
- Fixed 'clean_matrix()' to work correctly with non-numeric values in data tables
goeveg 0.7.4 (2024-02-26)
- Added option to transform with individual scales per sample in 'cov2per' and 'per2cov'
- Added descriptions and option 'rmchar' to 'trans_matrix()'
goeveg 0.7.3
- Added function 'clean_matrix()' to remove species without occurrences (frequency = 0) and samples without species from a species matrix in one simple step
- Added function 'trans_matrix()' to transpose a species matrix, while preserving correct species and sample names.
- Simplified function 'merge_taxa()' to make it work much faster.
- Added option 'backtransform' to decide whether cover-abundance values should be kept as percentage cover or back-transformed into original cover-abundance values
- Option 'drop_zero' renamed to 'clean_matrix' and set on FALSE by default
- Fixed an error in 'cov2per' when providing a data frame with only one column as community data
- Fixed an unnecessary warning message in 'syntable' occurring at cover value transformation
goeveg 0.7.2 (2024-02-06)
- Added cover abundance scale "niwap" from Lower Saxony species survey programmes (Schacherer 2001)
- Added 'x'-value to presence/absence scale
- 'merge_taxa()':
- returns names of merged taxa only once (not for each relevé)
- added option 'drop_zero' to decide whether species without occurrences or empty samples should be removed or kept
- fixed an error when providing individual scales for each sample
- 'syntable()' and 'merge_taxa()' automatically repair imported tables with empty character values ("")
goeveg 0.7.1 (2023-12-13)
- 'syntable()' can now handle factorial variables for defining clusters, e.g. to summarize relevés according to pre-defined categories and is more flexible regarding the format of the community matrix
- Terminology was harmonized between different functions
goeveg 0.7.0
- New functions added:
- 'merge_taxa()' for merging taxa/species with identical names
- 'cov2per()' and 'per2cov()' for conversion between cover-abundance codes and percentage cover
- 'dimcheckMDS()' is renamed into 'screeplot_NMDS()' with enhanced description and progress bar
goeveg 0.6.5 (2023-06-13)
- Fixed wrong species labeling in 'racurve()' when 'freq = TRUE'
goeveg 0.6.4 (2023-05-16)
- Added functions 'deg2rad()' and 'rad2deg()' for conversion between radians and degrees
- Updated data table 'schedenenv'
goeveg 0.6.3
- Fixed wrong p-value calculation for GLMs in 'specresponse()'
- Fixed problem with NAs in 'specresponse()' when showing point values
goeveg 0.6.2
- Added na.action argument to 'specresponse()'
goeveg 0.6.1 (2023-05-04)
- Explained deviances and p-values are now printed in 'specresponse()'. Full model results are returned in an (invisible) object.
- Added functionality to select the least abundant (rarest) species in 'ordiselect()'
goeveg 0.6.0 (2023-04-19)
- (Re-)added functions for calculation and sorting of synoptic tables: 'syntable()' and 'synsort()'
- Comprehensive update for 'ordiselect()'. Now returns exact proportion of selected species. Correction in selection to axis fit limits. Variable fit now only works with factor centroids.
- Updated help pages
goeveg 0.5.1 (2021-05-10)
- Fixes in references and value tags
goeveg 0.5.0
- Removal of functions 'synsort()' and 'syntable()' due to unsolved incompatibilities
goeveg 0.4.4
- Added lwd argument for 'specresponse()'
goeveg 0.4.3
- Added xlim & ylim arguments for 'racurve()'
- Added na.rm argument for 'ordiselect()'
goeveg 0.4.2 (2018-11-22)
- Small fixes, fixed package dependencies
- Spell checking
goeveg 0.4.1
- Added new functions for calculation and sorting of synoptic tables: 'syntable()' and 'synsort()'
goeveg 0.3.3 (2017-01-25)
goeveg 0.3.2
- Merged 'specresponses()'/'specresponse()' into one single function 'specresponse()'
- Better selection method of polynomial GLMs and GAMs in 'specresponse()'
goeveg 0.3.1
- Fixed use of external functions ('gam()', 'rdist()')
- Max. of 3 polynomials in automatic GLM selection of 'specresponse()'
goeveg 0.3.0 (2016-12-14)
- Fixed and renewed function 'specresponse()'/'specresponses()': now works also with NMDS, includes zero values and is based on presence/absence data (logistic regression). Instead of cubic smoothing splines the function now uses GLMs/GAMs.
goeveg 0.2.0 (2016-06-21)
- Added functionality to use frequencies in 'racurve()'
- Added functionality to label species in 'racurve()'
- New (invisible) output in 'racurve()'
- Package checked and tested on OS X
goeveg 0.1.6 (2016-06-14)